去年中維持了一段每天登入的習慣, 不知不覺累積了100張抽獎卷
想說過年期間也是閒來無事, 一起抽看看有什麼東西好了
裡面稀有禮物似乎是裝飾星球的飾品, 雖然自己沒在經營pixnet帳號等級, 但這麼多抽獎卷還是抽一抽吧
去年中維持了一段每天登入的習慣, 不知不覺累積了100張抽獎卷
想說過年期間也是閒來無事, 一起抽看看有什麼東西好了
裡面稀有禮物似乎是裝飾星球的飾品, 雖然自己沒在經營pixnet帳號等級, 但這麼多抽獎卷還是抽一抽吧
生命中偶然出現的某些時刻,這些事件可能影響到我們的個性、健康,更甚至因為這些事情的變革,從此定義了一生的軌跡。但在這些特殊時刻發生的當下,不一定能感受出它的特殊性,還以為只是日常生活的蜻蜓點水罷了,事過境遷後才突然了解〝啊! 原來那時候就是那個決定性的時間〞
「棒球之神」貝比魯斯(Babe Ruth) 是曾經的大聯盟全壘打紀錄保持人,他不單是優秀的菁英打者,更是選手中少數的〝二刀流〞,最初在加入職棒時是以投手身分上場的,但過了五年後就成為聯盟的全壘打王,紀錄高懸了39年才被後起之秀追上,從21歲開始職棒生涯到光榮退休、直到生病過世前仍受到無數粉絲的愛戴尊重。雖然有著傲人的成就跟名聲,這樣的一位名人卻有著相當戲劇性、也絕對稱不上光彩的童年經歷。
A brief explanation about the book of Mormon
The book of Mormon is a sacred record of people in ancient America and was engraved upon sheets of metal four kinds of metal record plates are spoken off in the book itself.
One, the plates of Nephi which were of two kinds, the small plates and the large plates.
The former were more particularly devoted to the spiritual matters in the ministry and teachings of the prophets, while the latter were occupied mostly by a secular history of the people concerned (first Nephi 9, 2 through 4)
From the time of Messiah, however, the large plates also included items of major spiritual importance.
After all you have been through, what kind of people did you become?
During this lunar new year holiday, I made a decision, that I will stop doing things that will make me nervous (like to judge one's value by appearance) and keep a strong faith in life (like have a strong religious belief).
Beside this, I think God has given me a question of life, after all these four years experiences you have been through, what have you learned? and what kind of people you become?
Personally, I think I figured out the answer eventually.
I cultivated important character and personalities step by step and these important factors are as the following, Compassion, Patient, Curiosity, and Responsibility.
Depression is something that consumes all of your energy.
It just likes what you believe, what you have, what you are good at, and what you cherish are no more exist when the Depression takes place.
It not only hurts your physical, mental health, but also causes lots of negative impacts in the relationship with friends, family, and community.
For the last 4 to 5 years I suffered from the problem and that was very hard to manage all by myself.
One of the reasons is that when your depression friend comes to you, you feel nothing but yourself.
You can not feel the people, the environment, the good and bad things, the schedule of tomorrow, the appointment with family, the taste of a meal, and you don't even feel hungry.